Vendor Information
The Douglas County School System thanks you for your interest in doing business with us. Our Procurement Department welcomes vendors/contractors to participate in our purchasing process. Our goal is to procure goods and services in a fair and ethical manner.
For Vendor Inquiries, Please Contact:
Darlene Snyder, Finance Department
Email Darlene Snyder
Munis Vendor Registration:
The Douglas County School System Business Services Office utilizes an online Vendor Self Service system. Vender Self Service (VSS) gives Vendors web-based access to their personal information and records. Purchase orders, invoices, bids, contracts and accounts payable check information are all available online. Vendors also have the ability to update their profile, including address, contact information, W-9, Insurance Certificates and commodities information.
If you are an existing Vendor, you can register and gain access to the information stated above. You must have your Vendor number and Federal Tax Id number in order to register and access your profile. Your Vendor number can be located on any check or purchase order that has been issued to your company. You can also obtain this number by emailing the Procurement Department at .
You must go online and register to use this system in order to view and update your Vendor profile and to begin receiving notifications of bid opportunities. It is important to note that you must input your commodity codes if you would like to be notified of bids when they become available.
If you are not currently a Vendor with the Douglas County School System, but are interested in submitting your Vendor information, please access the Vendor Self Service system and register as a new User/Vendor.
You may access Vendor Self Service by going to Munis Vendor Self Service .
Bonfire Interactive and Solicitations:
The Douglas County School System has partnered with Bonfire Interactive, an online procurement software, to allow vendors to receive notifications of solicitations and submit bids and proposals to the Douglas County School System digitally. Additionally, the Bonfire platform will help us maintain your information and provide better communication with you.
The Bonfire platform will help:
Save time and money with online solicitation responses
Communicate with our team during the bid and RFP process through Bonfire’s message center for centralized conversations and simplified record keeping
Update your details and documents like contact information, insurance forms, etc... on your own time in minutes
Vendors are requested to visit the Douglas County School System Procurement Department’s Bonfire vendor registration page to register your company. DCSS Bonfire Portal.
Registration is easy and free. Please be sure to select the commodity codes associated with your type of business or organization. Our solicitations will be set up using those codes and will be matched to vendors and contractors with the same codes.
For questions or support when using the platform, access the online knowledge base, search the FAQ, or contact the Bonfire support team at or by calling 1‐800‐354‐8010.
The Douglas County School System is excited about the changes we are making to streamline our electronic bid process and we look forward to continuing our good relationship with you and appreciate your interest.
If you have any questions, please contact the DCSS Procurement Department. We look forward to continued business with your company.
Illegal Immigration Reform and Enforcement Act:
The Illegal Immigration Reform and Enforcement Act of 2011 (House Bill 87) requires the Douglas County School System to have contractors, subcontractors and sub-subcontractors who provide "physical performance of services" to complete the forms below that meet the defined criteria.
"Physical performance of services means any performance of labor or services for a public employer using a bidding process or by contract wherein the labor or services exceed $2,499.99; provided, however, that such term shall not include any contract between a public employer and an individual who is licensed pursuant to Title 26 or Title 43 or by the State Bar of Georgia and is in good standing when such contract is for services to be rendered by such individual."
Source: O.C.G.A. 13-10-90 & 13-10-91
The following websites may provide helpful information regarding House Bill 87:
E-Verify Registration Website (Follow this link to obtain your EEV User ID Number)
Required Forms:
Georgia Security and Immigration Compliance Act Form
Contractor Affidavit
Sub-Contractor Affidavit
Affidavit of No Employees
Vendor Database:
Due to the implementation of the Munis Vendor Self Service system (VSS) and the Bonfire Interactive program, the Douglas County School System will no longer maintain a separate list of companies who have submitted to us their completed Vendor Information Form, along with, literature about the goods/services they provide.
All current and prospective Vendors should now register their Vendor profiles online at the Munis and Bonfire sites.
- Munis Vendor Self Service
- DCSS Bonfire Portal
Vendors are encouraged to attach literature and product information about their goods/services to their Vendor profile in the Munis VSS. Should we have a need to locate a company who provides a particular good or service, we will use Munis VSS and Bonfire as a reference. Please remember to assign the appropriate commodity codes to your Vendor profile so that our Vendor searches will be effective.
Bidding Requirements:
The bidding requirements for the Douglas County School System are as follows:
Purchases for goods and services with a total estimated value of less than $5,000 shall be made with effort to provide the least expense to the Board. Purchases shall be based on one or more oral quotations, when possible, to determine the best price.
All purchases for goods and services with a total estimated value of at least $5,000, but less than $10,000, shall be made on the basis of at least three verbal quotes. (Douglas County School System employees should utilize the Telephone Quotation Sheet for recording these quotes.)
All purchases for goods and services with a total estimated value of at least $10,000, but less than $50,000, shall be made on the basis of at least three written quotes. (Douglas County School System employees may submit a completed Bid Request Form to the Procurement Department if they need assistance with obtaining these bids. All forms should be sent to Becky Eigel, Assistant Director of Business Services.)
All purchases for goods and services of $50,000 or more shall be awarded after public advertisement for bid by electronic means on an Internet website of Douglas County School System. These shall be awarded through a written competitive sealed bid process and with the approval of the Superintendent, Chief Financial Officer, and the Douglas County Board of Education. (All bids of this nature must be handled by the Procurement Department. A Bid Request Form and supporting documentation must be sent to the Procurement Department for bid processing.)
Please view the Purchasing Policies and Procedures link for more information.
Please view the Current Solicitations link for a list of current bid solicitations.
Please view the Purchasing Forms link for a list of Purchasing related forms.